What is teacher Continuing Professional Development?
Teacher continuing professional development (CPD) is any type of continuing education
effort for educators. It’s one-way teachers can improve their skills and, in turn, boost
student learning outcomes.
Furthermore, Learning can take place in formal or informal settings. Formal settings
include conferences, courses, seminars, retreats, and workshops. Informal opportunities
for teacher professional development include independent research or investigation, peer
learning initiatives or even just chatting with a colleague in the staff room.
Noteworthy, CPD for teachers takes place on a number of different levels: department
level, among teachers in a working party, or even on a classroom or individual basis.
At IAS we believe that CPD is paramount in enhancing the quality of teaching, creating
professional learning communities and improve collaboration among teaching staff.
Significantly, at IAS we conduct a CPD forum every Trimester which includes workshops
on various topics and themes. We shared our induction and CPD forums schedules which
highlight the workshops that our teachers attended to cultivate their understanding of the
various approaches and methods of teaching, School Development Planning (SDP), Self-
Evaluation Form (SEF) and various workshops where teachers share good practice
among the professional learning communities that we established and sustained at our