I hope you have a wonderful day as you, I wanted to thank you and your amazing classes with the students I joined with my son Mansour faris today and I’m so happy with your teaching, and the best teacher who teaches science and Mansour really loves your periods and he learned a lot this year! Thank you so much my dear Fatima.
Mansour faris alqubaisi
احببت ان ارسل هذا الايميل لاشكر طاقم التدريس من معلمين وادارين على مجهودهم انا اتابع ابنائي بستمرار الاحظ اهتمام المعلمين بحظور الحصص بالتعليم عن بعد وتوصيل المعلومه لطلاب لجميع المراحل لدي ابناء بمدارس اخرا اواجه صعوبه فيها بتعليم عن بعد اما لديكم بالمدرسه التعليم عن بعد منظم ولا اجد صعوبه كولية امر من التواصل مع المعلمين اشكركم على مجهودكم .. وادعوا الله ان يزيل هذه الغمه عن هذه الامه .
والدة الطالبه مهره حامد الجنيبي
I would like to extend my special thanks to grade 12 teachers for their efforts for their kindness for their supports to my Son Obada. I would be glad to say that those teachers are the most effective and professionals since the IAS established in 2003.
Well organized teachers and Brilliant.
Mosa Ali. Tanbooz
I would like to extend my thanks to Dr. Ahmad the executive manager for his support to us as parents. I have two children at your reputed school Gr12 &11
Dr. Ahmad is always cooperative with us , really appreciate his efforts.
and also allow me to thanks all the Grade 12 teachers : Miss Jawaher, Miss Rawan, Mr, Abdulrahman, Mr. Ali, Miss Taghreed , Mr. Ahmad, Mr. Fathi, Miss Yusra
and I would like to thank Miss Basima the math teacher and Mr. Jalal the Arabic teacher for their efforts during the last year.
Mosa Ali. Tanbooz
Good Morning Sir,
My name is Ayesha Ahmed Alshuaibi, I am a student at 12G. I joined IAS by the beginning of Term 2. It was really hard for me at first to cope but thanks to my amazing teachers and classmates I feel welcomed and happy to be here.